Saturday, 11 June 2011

self port.1

                                                                (as i see it)

In order to comunicate the spirit througt the art of identity and portraiture essential is to look deep and beyound the surface.

Sunday, 5 June 2011


(in eyes of others)

Empathy 7

The other time I was...( in eyes of others )


One time i was... ( in eyes of others )

Empathy 5

(in eyes of others)

Friday, 3 June 2011


Empathy allows you to be variet, complex and as different as different other people may sees you.


Although description of the apperance is out there, everyone reads it in many different ways.


Through the Identity.
Empathy is looking beyond the structure of physical exsistence.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Empathy with Identity

Empathy is a key to the experiance of foreign consciousness.
-Unknown land of desires, emotions, thoughts and dreams.
Colection of lifetime stories,
Yet to be  discovered, unfold and read loud.